Well, Goodbye Summer!
How quickly did that go, although the heat!!! Anyway, I was hoping to make this blogging thing a ‘monthly thing’ but what with work, a holiday in France and uprooting the family into my Father-in-Law’s pad, it’s all got a tad much.
In my last blog, I talked about the cold and how vile it was etc… Well, this summer has most definitely made up for that. I’ve been complaining about the heat – so be grateful that you didn’t have to read about that. Photographing folk sweating, while I’m sweating has not been too much fun. However, I do love the sunshine and will no doubt now curse its passing. It is definitely something to do with getting older.
In this blog I’m going to tell you about an idea I had recently to combine two things that I really like doing – networking and photography. Not things that naturally go hand in hand unless one is the photographer at a meeting.
Anyway, while taking photographs is something I do naturally, networking in a room full of strangers wasn’t high on my ‘must do’ list. The idea of making small talk, talking about myself and selling to a room filled me with horror. But I’ve been doing exactly that.
Okay, a lot of it has been online…
Plus, with far fewer people, but things are definitely picking up and I have enjoyed meeting new people and stepping out of my comfort zone. I even attended an event in Birmingham, somewhere I had not been near in months and thoroughly enjoyed the entire day.
Let’s be honest, we all need people
Well, okay maybe not all of us, but there is always time in our lives when meeting new people is a good idea. Not only does it hoof us out of our comfort zones, but it also does us good in other ways.
Socially for example. It’s all very well sitting in your office at home all week, the occasional zoom call to break the monotony but being with actual people does wonders for our communication and listening skills. Plus, it can be great for the old self-esteem to throw off the tracksuit bottoms, maybe pj’s (no judgement here!) and wear real ‘out of the home’ clothes.
Networking for us self-employed types is important, and it matters not whether you want to do it, if you want people to get to know you, to like you, obviously, and to buy from you and hopefully recommend you, it’s imperative for your business.
So, to the idea.
Business owners are often to be found at networking events across the country.
Owners who are often lacking in brand awareness and getting their photo out there and in front of would-be clients.
Yes, they know everything about their business, but for whatever reason they do not tend to add their face to their brand.
TA-DAH! Pop those two things together and you have The Image Network!
I’ve focused on the importance of headshots for business in the past and this is just an extension of this. Recognition is very relevant to a brand. Placing a face to the business you have created, adds some of that backstory that is so often lacking when you land on a webpage.
It’s Headshots but Not as we Know It!
Bringing people together, while taking photographs has proved to be a good shout. So many people have their standard headshots, but in these sessions my clients can have fun with their surroundings.
That’s right – fun, while having photographs taken. I arrange different locations for each session so there is a wide range of indoor – think swanky apartments, or outdoor – meadows, fields, walks etc and then there is always my trusty studio should the weather decide to misbehave.
I always give clients a heads up as to clothing suggestions, but really it’s about getting shots of you, the business owner where you are not sat at a desk, pained expression applied.
No. This is about me catching you laughing – really laughing as you share a joke or a story with new people.
Professional photographs are an essential part of running a successful business and damn, mine do look very good. I am enjoying watching my clients have fun with their images across a range of sites. From new landing pages to LinkedIn and from Instagram to simply updating their existing websites.
For more information, and to read some of the testimonials I have received, simply head to my website or DM me.
In other news…
My studio is indeed my happy place and I have had a deluge of shoots with lovely folk who come see me, have their photos taken, drink coffee, maybe a treat from the onsite coffee shop and enjoy what is Canal House.
Sliding into Autumn is all about looking forward, while embracing the magical mornings and wearing thick, thick gloves. I love the light and colours, so I’ll be out walking with my trusty camera round my neck and my dog, Mouse by my side.
Keep smiling my friends. Here’s to an amazing month.