And just like that it’s the end of October and we have fallen into Halloween and the gorgeous summer that was 2022 fades away – although I am liking the warmer temperatures that this October has provided.
Walking through the leaves, with Mouse my trusty sidekick is one of life’s joys and I am enjoying taking photographs outside with the exceptional natural colour palette that is on show.
Speaking of colour and Halloween, did you know that the word ‘pumpkin’ originates from ‘peopon’, which means ‘large melon’ in Greek?

Nope, neither did I – thank god for Google. Peopon evolved to ‘pompon’ in French, while us Brits called it ‘pumpion’, but the Americans had the final say when they settled on the word we use today – Pumpkin.
In this blog, as you may have guessed, I’m all about the Pumpkin and while on a recent photoshoot that you may have happened across on my social media (if not, where have you been!) I got to pondering the origins of the great pumpkin.
While I cannot profess to be a huge fan of the food source I am intrigued by its colour, size and shape so I thought I’d do a little reading and then let you all in on a few facts that you may or may not know.
So, make a cuppa, grab a pew and read on…
Where are they from?
Believed to have originated in North America some 9000 years ago, pumpkins were a staple food source for the Native Americans with every part of it being edible.Hugely healthy, they are high in antioxidants, rich in vitamins and great for potassium. They are also 94% water!
Amazing fact: - traces of the seeds have been discovered in Mexico which dated back as far as 5500 B.C!

The Europeans Pilgrims took a fancy to this humble food source and carted the seed back across the sea, where word soon spread, resulting in the seeds of the pumpkin being sown all over the world.
But is it a Fruit or Vegetable?
The Pumpkin is technically a fruit (according to Google!) despite many a food geek claiming otherwise, because it is grown from seed and has seeds inside. However, it
does sit within the winter squash category.There are over 45 different varieties of pumpkin, andorange is not the only available colour – the pumpkin has a whole range of fab shades of orange, plus a wonderful line of greens, yellows and whites.
Interesting Fact: - the Irish and Scottish used turnips and potatoes to carve Jack-o-lanterns before the pumpkin dominated Halloween.National Pumpkin Day

Yes, like everything in the world, it now seems, the humble pumpkin also gets its own day! October the 26this reserved for celebrating this rather interesting fruit.
So many recipes…
Pumpkin Brownies
Pumpkin Muffins
Pumpkin Scones
Pumpkin Crisps
Pumpkin Chips
Pumpkin Soup
Pumpkin Flavoured Bread
Pumpkin Curry / Risotto
Pumpkin Puree
Pumpkin Pancakes
Pumpkin Porridge
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
I shall be trialling some recipes this year, despite my own reservations and will report back at some point – when I’m feeling brave!
My friend loves a Pumpkin Spice Latte but not sure about it myself. And as for Pumpkin Flavoured Beer - not sure about that one!
I’ll say it quietly - Christmas is a Coming!

Could your current family pictures do with an update?
Is the cute 7-year-old boy who you have a photo of in the lounge now 6 foot 2 and in sixth form?
Maybe it’s time to get some new family portraits done before Christmas. They also make great presents – Just saying 😊
In other news…
Life is pretty hectic for us all at the mo as my family are living with my husband’s dad who is struggling health wise. It’s all a bit strange, but the girls and Mouse have adapted well, and I love having the pub on the other side of the street.
My studio at Canal Side Studios continues to be my happy place and I’ve been shooting families and pets this month.
Remember, the colours that nature provides are intended to get us through these longer evenings so try to get out and enjoy them in the daylight.
It really is a great place to be.
Keep safe and smile my friends. Wishing you a wonderful November.